The 20th concert

© Sunhao Chou

 Sunday, October 23rd 2022

at 14:00

Tiara Koto Main Hall


F. Mendelssohhn

Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream


R. Schumann

Piano Concerto in A minor

Akimi Fukuhara, Piano


F. Mendelssohhn

Symphony No.3 in A minor




Shoichi Kubota, Conductor


Ticket-less event:¥2,000~

The admission fee will be applied at the end of the performance.

How do I pay the admission fee?

1.Come to the concert venue without tickets. At the end of the performance, you decide the price of the admission fee. (The minimum charge is ¥2,000)

2.Put the admission fee into the envelope provided at the entrance.

3.Drop the envelope in the box as you leave the concert hall.


2-28-36 Sumiyoshi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0002

Upcoming Event

Saturday afternoon, May 20th 2023 at Suginami Kokaido